Speciality t shirts are being sold online for $30 plus one time handling fee of $2.75. The total cost is a function of the number of t shirts bought. What function rule models the cost of the t shirts? Evaluate the function for t shirts.

Can someone please help

cost = 30n + 2.75 , where n is the number of shirts

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To determine the function rule that models the cost of the t-shirts, we need to consider the given information: t-shirts are being sold online for $30, and there is a one-time handling fee of $2.75. Let's assume the number of t-shirts bought is represented by 'x'.

The cost of the t-shirts can be calculated by adding the cost of each t-shirt to the handling fee. Since each t-shirt costs $30, the cost of 'x' t-shirts would be 30x. Adding the handling fee of $2.75, the total cost function can be represented as:

Cost(x) = 30x + 2.75

To evaluate the function for a specific number of t-shirts, you substitute that value into the function. For example, if you wanted to know the cost of 5 t-shirts, you would substitute '5' into the function:

Cost(5) = 30(5) + 2.75
Cost(5) = 150 + 2.75
Cost(5) = $152.75

Therefore, for 5 t-shirts, the total cost would be $152.75. You can use the same approach to calculate the cost for any number of t-shirts by substituting that value into the function equation.