Jerry sold a shirt for $18.40 and a bag for $36.90. He sold 5 times as many shirts as bags. He collected $495.90 more from selling the shirts than the

bags. How many bags did Jerry sell?

Let's start by setting up some equations based on the information given in the problem:

Let's call the number of bags Jerry sold "b".

We know that he sold 5 times as many shirts as bags, so the number of shirts he sold would be 5b.

We also know that he collected $495.90 more from selling shirts than bags, so we can set up an equation based on the difference between the total amount he collected from selling shirts and the total amount he collected from selling bags:

18.40(5b) - 36.90b = 495.90

Now we can solve for b:

92b - 36.90b = 495.90

55.1b = 495.90

b = 9

So Jerry sold 9 bags.

Let's assume that Jerry sold "x" bags.

Given that Jerry sold 5 times as many shirts as bags, he sold 5x shirts.

The total amount collected from selling the shirts is given by the equation: 18.40 * 5x.

The total amount collected from selling the bags is given by the equation: 36.90 * x.

According to the given information, Jerry collected $495.90 more from selling the shirts than the bags.

Therefore, we can set up the equation:

18.40 * 5x - 36.90 * x = 495.90.

Simplifying the equation, we get:

92x - 36.90x = 495.90.

Combining like terms:

55.10x = 495.90.

Dividing both sides by 55.10:

x = 495.90 / 55.10.

Solving for x, we find:

x ≈ 9.

Therefore, Jerry sold approximately 9 bags.

To solve this problem, let's assume that Jerry sold x bags.

Since Jerry sold 5 times as many shirts as bags, he sold 5x shirts.

The total amount collected from selling shirts is equal to the price per shirt multiplied by the number of shirts sold, which is 18.40 * 5x = 92x dollars.

Similarly, the total amount collected from selling bags is equal to the price per bag multiplied by the number of bags sold, which is 36.90 * x = 36.90x dollars.

According to the information given, Jerry collected $495.90 more from selling shirts than bags. This can be represented as the equation:

92x - 36.90x = 495.90

Combining like terms, we have:

55.10x = 495.90

Dividing both sides by 55.10, we find:

x = 495.90 / 55.10
x ≈ 9

Therefore, Jerry sold approximately 9 bags.