Could someone help me list 15 thing that are not matter? Thanks

Thanks you Ms.Sue!

You're welcome, Shadow.

Of course! I can provide a list of 15 things that are not matter. However, it's important to note that matter refers to physical substances that occupy space and have mass. Here's a list of 15 things that do not fit this definition:

1. Light: It is made up of particles called photons but does not have mass or occupy space.
2. Sound: It's a form of energy that propagates as waves and does not have mass.
3. Time: Time is an abstract concept used to measure the sequence and duration of events.
4. Energy: It exists in various forms, such as kinetic, potential, or thermal energy, and is not considered matter.
5. Gravity: It is a force that attracts objects towards each other and does not have a physical substance.
6. Thoughts: Mental processes, including ideas, emotions, and memories, are not physical substances.
7. Information: Ideas and data can be transferred and stored but do not have mass or take up physical space.
8. Emotions: Feelings and sensations are subjective experiences and do not have a physical presence.
9. Dreams: Dreaming occurs during sleep and is a mental activity rather than a physical substance.
10. Concepts: Abstract notions, theories, and philosophies are non-material ideas.
11. Laws of Physics: These are principles that describe how matter and energy interact, but they are not matter themselves.
12. Mathematical equations: These represent abstract relationships between quantities and are not considered matter.
13. Magnetic and electric fields: While they can influence matter, these fields themselves are not physical substances.
14. Radio waves: They are a form of electromagnetic radiation and do not have mass or take up space.
15. Love: An emotion or feeling towards someone or something, which does not have a physical existence.

To gather this list, I drew on concepts from physics, philosophy, and other fields that explore non-material phenomena.