7 digit number have 8 in the thousands place.

To find a 7-digit number with 8 in the thousands place, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Start with the number 8.
Step 2: Choose any digit for each remaining place value. Since we have six remaining digits, we have six choices. Let's say we choose the digits in the order from left to right as follows:

- Digit 1: Any digit from 0-9 (excluding 8, as we have already assigned it to the thousands place).
- Digit 2: Any digit from 0-9.
- Digit 3: Any digit from 0-9.
- Digit 4: Any digit from 0-9.
- Digit 5: Any digit from 0-9.
- Digit 6: Any digit from 0-9.

Step 3: Combine all the chosen digits to form the 7-digit number.

For example, if we choose the digits 5, 3, 9, 0, 2, 6 for the remaining places, the resulting 7-digit number with 8 in the thousands place would be 8539026. Keep in mind that you have many other combinations to choose from, as you can select any available digit for each place value, except for the thousands place where 8 is already assigned.