Find the inverse of the following function. Find the domain, range, and asymptotes of each function.

Graph both functions on the same coordinate plane


please help me! show steps also, if i an just given an answer that wont help me! thanks in advance!!!

I am not exactly certain of your function, I think it is this:



take ln of each side

-x= ln(3y-4)
then swap variables
y=-ln(3x-4) which is the inverse function.

no that's not it, i am not sure how to show it on here but the -x/3 is on the side of the e. like if you had 2^3 it would be, (2)(2)(2). that is what the e^-x/3 should represent. if this makes sense

To find the inverse of the function f(x) = 4 + e^(-x/3), we will switch the variables x and y, and then solve for y.

Step 1: Switch variables
x = 4 + e^(-y/3)

Step 2: Solve for y
Subtract 4 from both sides:
x - 4 = e^(-y/3)

Take the natural logarithm of both sides:
ln(x - 4) = ln(e^(-y/3))

Use the property ln(e^a) = a:
ln(x - 4) = -y/3

Multiply both sides by -3:
-3ln(x - 4) = y

So, the inverse function of f(x) is:

f^(-1)(x) = -3ln(x - 4)

Now, let's find the domain, range, and asymptotes for both the original function f(x) and its inverse.

Domain of f(x): Since the function f(x) = 4 + e^(-x/3) involves raising e to a power, the input x can be any real number.

Range of f(x): The exponential function e^(-x/3) is always positive, so as x approaches infinity, e^(-x/3) approaches 0. Thus, the range of f(x) is (4, infinity), excluding 4.

Asymptotes of f(x): There are no horizontal asymptotes because the exponential function does not approach any constant value. However, there is a vertical asymptote at x = -∞ because as x approaches -∞, e^(-x/3) approaches infinity.

Domain of f^(-1)(x): The natural logarithm is only defined for positive values, so the domain of f^(-1)(x) = -3ln(x - 4) is (4, infinity).

Range of f^(-1)(x): The ln(x - 4) function is defined for any positive value of x - 4, which means the range of f^(-1)(x) is (-∞, infinity).

Asymptotes of f^(-1)(x): The function f^(-1)(x) = -3ln(x - 4) does not have any horizontal or vertical asymptotes. However, it has a vertical hole at x = 4 because the function is undefined at that point.

To graph both functions on the same coordinate plane, we can use a graphing calculator or online graphing tool. Please let me know if you need help with that as well!

To find the inverse of a function, we need to switch the roles of x and y and solve for y.

Step 1: Replace f(x) with y:
y = 4 + e^(-x/3)

Step 2: Swap x and y:
x = 4 + e^(-y/3)

Step 3: Solve for y:
x - 4 = e^(-y/3)

Step 4: Take the natural logarithm of both sides to remove the exponential term:
ln(x - 4) = -y/3

Step 5: Multiply both sides by -3 to isolate y:
-3 ln(x - 4) = y

Therefore, the inverse function of f(x) = 4 + e^(-x/3) is g(x) = -3 ln(x - 4).

Now let's determine the domain, range, and asymptotes of both functions.

Domain of f(x): Since the exponential function e^(x/3) is defined for all real numbers x, the only restriction is x ≠ 0, since dividing by zero is undefined. Therefore, the domain of f(x) is (-∞, 0) U (0, ∞).

Range of f(x): The term e^(-x/3) is always positive, so it will never change the sign of the constant 4 added to it. Therefore, the range of f(x) is (4, ∞).

Asymptotes of f(x): As x approaches negative infinity, e^(-x/3) approaches 0, so the function approaches the horizontal asymptote y = 4. There are no vertical asymptotes for this function.

Domain of g(x): The natural logarithm function ln(x - 4) is only defined for x > 4, since the argument of the logarithm must be positive. Therefore, the domain of g(x) is (4, ∞).

Range of g(x): The natural logarithm function has a range of all real numbers, so the range of g(x) is (-∞, ∞).

Asymptotes of g(x): The graph of g(x) has a vertical asymptote at x = 4 since the domain is restricted to x > 4. There are no horizontal asymptotes for this function.

To graph both functions on the same coordinate plane, plot a few points for each function within their respective domains and ranges. Then connect the points to form a smooth curve.