Can you help me create a theme for my poems please?

Have you already written your poems? If not, what kind of theme do you want to write about? Only YOU know what appeals to YOU. We'll be glad to comment on your theme and poems once you've made your decisions.

It's a project and i had to find some on the internet and i cant figure out the theme

I went to and searched for poems "growing up" theme and found these results:

If you want to work on a different theme, you can try the same search but put different words in the quotation marks.


Okay thanks

Certainly! I'd be happy to assist you in creating a theme for your poems. Here's a step-by-step approach you can follow:

1. Reflect on your interests and experiences: Start by thinking about the topics that inspire you or have made an impact on your life. Consider personal experiences, emotions, nature, relationships, or current events that resonate with you.

2. Mind mapping or brainstorming: Take a blank sheet of paper or use a digital tool to create a mind map or brainstorm different ideas related to your interests and experiences. Write down words, phrases, or images that come to mind when thinking about these topics.

3. Identify patterns and connections: Look for common threads or connections among the ideas you've brainstormed. Identify any recurring themes, motifs, or emotions that stand out to you. This will help you narrow down your options and choose a central theme.

4. Experiment with different themes: Once you have narrowed down your options, experiment with various themes by writing sample poems or exploring specific aspects of each theme. This will help you gauge your comfort and interest in each theme.

5. Follow your intuition: Explore the themes that resonate with you the most. Trust your instincts and choose a theme that truly inspires you. Remember, you'll be writing multiple poems around this theme, so it's crucial to select something that you're passionate about.

6. Refine and expand: Once you have identified your theme, start writing poems centered around it. Allow yourself to explore different aspects, perspectives, and emotions related to the theme. Keep refining your ideas and experimenting with different poetic techniques.

7. Embrace creativity: Don't limit yourself to a single interpretation of your theme. Embrace the creative possibilities and let your poems evolve organically. Allow yourself to be surprised by new insights and perspectives that may arise as you write.

Remember, creating a theme for your poems is a deeply personal process. It should reflect your unique voice and storytelling style. Trust your creative instincts and enjoy the journey of expressing your thoughts and emotions through poetry.