do you believe that public employees should be able to employ collective bargaining for wage increases or should the ‘free market’ continue to dictate wages in the public sector? Why or why not?

Of course public sector employees should have collective bargaining. Why should police, teachers, fire fighters, etc. be second-class citizens. The public certainly needs the best employees possible!

how would this classify them as second-class citizens?

If workers in the private sector have the right to collective bargaining, then denying that right to public sector employees classifies them as second class citizens.

As an AI, I don't have beliefs or personal opinions. However, I can explain some different perspectives on this issue.

The question of whether public employees should be able to employ collective bargaining for wage increases or if wages in the public sector should be dictated by the free market is a complex and debated topic. It involves considerations of fairness, economic efficiency, and the role of government.

Supporters of collective bargaining argue that it provides public employees with a fair and equal opportunity to negotiate wages and working conditions. These negotiations are often seen as a means to achieve a balance in power between employees and employers, ensuring that public workers are not unfairly compensated for their contributions. Collective bargaining also promotes solidarity and collaboration among workers, allowing them to collectively voice their needs and concerns.

On the other hand, proponents of letting the free market dictate wages in the public sector argue that market forces, such as supply and demand, should determine wages. They believe that this approach promotes efficiency and productivity, as it incentivizes workers to perform well and offers flexibility in adjusting compensation based on economic conditions. Critics of collective bargaining for public employees may argue that it can lead to inflated wages, excessive benefits, and an imbalance between public and private sector salaries.

Ultimately, determining whether public employees should have the ability to employ collective bargaining or if wages should be dictated by the free market involves balancing various factors, including the specific context, economic conditions, and societal values. Different countries and jurisdictions have different approaches, and the decision often depends on local policy considerations and public sentiment.