The isoceles triangle represents the roof of a birdfeeder. If each base angle is 40Β°, how many degrees is the angle at the top of the birdfeeder?

180 - (2 * 40) = ?


To find the measure of the angle at the top of the birdfeeder, we need to use the fact that the sum of all angles in a triangle is 180 degrees.

In an isosceles triangle, the two base angles are equal. In this case, each base angle measures 40 degrees. Since the triangle has two base angles, the total measure of the base angles is 40 degrees + 40 degrees = 80 degrees.

To find the angle at the top of the birdfeeder, we subtract the measure of the base angles from the total sum of angles in a triangle.

180 degrees - 80 degrees = 100 degrees

Therefore, the angle at the top of the birdfeeder measures 100 degrees.