what shows that the sea water is a mixture and not a pure substance?

a. it has a sharp boiling point
b. it has definite composition
c. it consist of a single phase
d. the components lose their individual properties

To determine whether sea water is a mixture or a pure substance, we can analyze its characteristics and properties.

The correct answer is d. the components lose their individual properties.


- A pure substance consists of only one type of particle with a fixed composition. Its chemical and physical properties do not vary throughout the substance. An example of a pure substance is distilled water.
- On the other hand, a mixture is made up of two or more substances that retain their individual properties. These substances can be physically separated from each other. Examples of mixtures include air, saltwater, and soil.

When we consider sea water, it contains a combination of various substances dissolved in water. These dissolved substances can include salts, minerals, dissolved gases, and other organic and inorganic compounds. Each of these components retains its individual properties, such as the ability to conduct electricity or high boiling points. The presence of these distinct properties, which can be observed when studying sea water, shows that it is indeed a mixture and not a pure substance.

Option a, having a sharp boiling point, is characteristic of a pure substance, not a mixture. Mixtures typically exhibit a range of boiling temperatures due to the different components present.

Option b, having a definite composition, does not hold true for mixtures, as their composition can vary.

Option c, consisting of a single phase, refers to a homogeneous mixture in which the components are evenly distributed and not visually distinguishable. However, sea water is a homogeneous mixture because it appears to be one uniform solution. Therefore, this option is not suitable for distinguishing between a mixture and a pure substance.

So, option d is the correct answer, as the fact that the components of sea water retain their individual properties indicates that it is a mixture.