2. How does the speed frequency distribution graph change for a given gas as the temperature is increased


To understand how the speed frequency distribution graph changes for a given gas as the temperature is increased, you need to become familiar with the concept of the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution.

The Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution describes the distribution of speeds (or velocities) of particles in a gas at a given temperature. It shows the number of particles that have a particular speed in the gas.

As the temperature of a gas increases, the speed frequency distribution graph shifts towards higher speeds and becomes broader. Here's how this happens, step by step:

1. At a low temperature: When a gas is at a low temperature, the majority of particles have relatively low speeds. The speed frequency distribution graph will show a peak at lower speeds, indicating that most particles have velocities near this value. The graph will have a sharp peak and decrease rapidly towards higher speeds.

2. As temperature increases: When the temperature increases, the average speed of the gas particles also increases. According to the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution, more particles will have higher speeds. The speed frequency distribution graph will start to shift towards higher speeds, and the peak of the graph will move to the right.

3. Broader distribution: As temperature continues to increase, the spread of speeds in the gas also increases. This means that a wider range of speeds is occupied by particles. The speed frequency distribution graph will become broader and flatter, with the peak becoming less pronounced. This indicates that a larger number of particles have speeds both below and above the peak value.

Overall, as temperature increases, the speed frequency distribution graph for a given gas shifts towards higher speeds and becomes broader. This behavior is attributed to the increased kinetic energy of the gas particles, leading to a wider range of speeds in the gas.