How do you get this?

F(1,2), .542, p = .012

Thank you in advance.

Without knowing what F(1,2) means, and where the 0.542 came from, I have no idea.

Same for me. What is the function F?

To understand the given information, we can break it down into three parts:

1. F(1,2): This notation represents the F-statistic, which is a measure of the difference between two variances. It is typically used in statistical hypothesis testing to compare the means of two groups. Here, F(1,2) means that the F-statistic has 1 numerator degree of freedom and 2 denominator degrees of freedom.

2. 0.542: This is a numerical value but without any context or explanation, it is hard to determine its meaning. It could represent a probability, a percentage, or some other numerical value. Without more information, it is difficult to interpret.

3. p = 0.012: This is a critical value that represents the p-value. The p-value is used in statistical hypothesis testing to determine the significance of the results. It represents the probability of obtaining the observed data, or more extreme results, assuming that the null hypothesis is true. Typically, if the p-value is less than a predetermined significance level (e.g., 0.05), we reject the null hypothesis.

Based solely on the given information, we have an F-statistic with 1 numerator degree of freedom and 2 denominator degrees of freedom, a numerical value of 0.542 (which requires further context), and a p-value of 0.012.