Why was Nunavut created? I've done research but no sites tell me exactly why. Was it because the Inuits felt like they needed their own land... etc?

I didn't find any other reasons.

I highly recommend the Wikipedia Nunavut history and geography discussion at


Nunavut was created as a result of negotiations between the Canadian government and the Inuit people in the early 1990s. The creation of Nunavut was an important step towards addressing the historic injustices faced by the Inuit people in Canada.

To fully understand why Nunavut was created, it helps to know some historical context. Before the formation of Nunavut, the Inuit people had been marginalized and faced numerous challenges, including discrimination, loss of land, and cultural suppression. The Inuit felt that their needs and aspirations were not adequately represented within the existing territorial and political structures.

The negotiation process that led to the creation of Nunavut began in the 1970s and involved extensive discussions between the Inuit people, the federal government, and provincial authorities. The negotiations aimed to address the Inuit land claims, self-governance aspirations, and demands for cultural recognition. The process culminated in the signing of the Nunavut Land Claims Agreement in 1993, which served as the legal foundation for the creation of Nunavut.

Nunavut was officially established as a new Canadian territory on April 1, 1999. It covers approximately 1.9 million square kilometers, representing about one-fifth of Canada's total land area. The creation of Nunavut provided the Inuit people with a degree of self-governance, giving them the opportunity to shape their own political, social, and economic development. It also ensured the protection of their land rights and promoted the preservation of Inuit culture and language.

In summary, Nunavut was created to address historical injustices faced by the Inuit people, to recognize their land claims and self-governance aspirations, and to promote the preservation of their culture. The creation of Nunavut represents an important step towards reconciliation and empowering the Inuit people in Canada.