mang pedring wanted to construct a square table such that the length of its side is 30 cm longer than its height.

1. How does the illustration look like? illustrate.
2. How would you represent the height of the table? How about the length of its side?
3. What expression represents the area of the table?
4. Suppose the table is 90 cm high what would be the area?
5. Suppose the area of the table is 2.25m square, what would be its height?

I'm confused. If the table is square, how can the height and length not be the same? Do you mean rectangular? (That is, with square corners?)

Yet, at the end, with 2.25 being a perfect square, it sounds like you do mean a square table. (with side 1.5m)

1. To illustrate the square table, you can draw a square shape with one side labeled height (h) and the adjacent side labeled length (h + 30cm).

2. The height of the table can be represented by the variable "h," and the length of its side can be represented by the expression "h + 30cm."

3. The expression representing the area of the table is given by the formula: Area = side length * side length. In this case, the side length is represented by h + 30cm. Therefore, the expression for the area would be (h + 30cm) * (h + 30cm) or (h + 30cm)^2.

4. If the table is 90cm high, then we can substitute h = 90cm into the expression for the area. Thus, the area would be (90cm + 30cm)^2 = (120cm)^2 = 14,400 cm^2.

5. If the area of the table is 2.25m^2, we first need to convert the area to square centimeters. Since 1 meter = 100 centimeters, the area in cm^2 can be calculated as 2.25m^2 * (100cm/m)^2 = 22,500 cm^2.
Next, we can use the area expression to solve for the height. So, the equation would be: (h + 30cm)^2 = 22,500 cm^2. We can then find the value of h by either taking the square root of both sides and subtracting 30cm, or by using algebraic methods to solve the quadratic equation (h + 30cm)^2 - 22,500 cm^2 = 0.