(1) As we find with most songs, in poetry

(a) there's nos specific point of view
(b) each couplet must rhyme
(c) sound and content have equal weight.

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the answer is (b)

To answer this question, we need to understand the characteristics of songs and poetry. Here's how we can figure it out:

1. Look for evidence in songs: Songs often have specific points of view, with the lyrics narrating a story or expressing personal experiences or emotions. This suggests that option (a) might not be correct.

2. Consider the structure of songs: While songs often have rhyming patterns, not every couplet is required to rhyme. Many songs use a variety of rhyming schemes or no rhyme at all, allowing for more creative expression. This implies that option (b) is not universally true for songs.

3. Analyze the nature of poetry: In poetry, sound and content are indeed significant. Poets carefully choose words and craft their works to create rhythmic patterns, employ various literary devices, and evoke emotions through the arrangement of sounds and words. This suggests that option (c) could be a defining characteristic of poetry.

Based on this analysis, we can conclude that option (c) is the most accurate statement about the connection between sound and content in poetry.