Jared can work 54 math problems in 1 hour. How many problems can he work in


cmon Lola

To find out how many math problems Jared can work in 10 minutes, we can use a simple conversion factor.

We know that Jared can work 54 math problems in 1 hour.

First, we need to convert 10 minutes into hours.

There are 60 minutes in 1 hour, so we can set up a proportion:

10 minutes / 60 minutes = x hours / 1 hour

Simplifying the equation:

10/60 = x/1

x = (10/60) * 1

x = 10/60

x = 1/6

Therefore, 10 minutes is equivalent to 1/6 of an hour.

To find out how many math problems Jared can work in 10 minutes, we can use the conversion factor:

1 hour / 54 problems = 1/6 hour / x problems

Simplifying the equation:

1/54 = (1/6) / x

To solve for x (the number of problems Jared can work in 10 minutes), we can cross-multiply and solve for x.

1 * x = (1/54) * (1/6)

x = 1/324

Therefore, Jared can work approximately 0.0031 (1/324) math problems in 10 minutes.

Cross multiply and solve for x.

54/60 = x/10