input a list of positive numbers terminated by 0 into a array. find the mean of the numbers in the array and output the result. use a subprogram to input numbers a function to find the mean and a subprogram to output the result.


Write a console based C++ program that reads student information from a text file, build an array of objects of type class StudentInfo, and provide the following set of operations:

1) Display all student Info
2) Display all Student First Name & GPA
3) Display a specific student grades based on his/her ID
4) Display all Passed Student Names & GPAs; (Pass means GPA >= 50)
5) Display the student name with the maximum GPA
6) Display the student name with the minimum GPA
7) Display Student GPAs as Letter Grades (A, B, C, D, E, and F).

To accomplish the task, you can follow these steps:

1. Create an array to store the positive numbers.
2. Use a subprogram to input the numbers into the array.
3. Implement a function to find the mean of the numbers in the array.
4. Use a subprogram to output the result.

Here's an example implementation in Python:

# Subprogram to input numbers into an array
def input_numbers():
num_array = []
print("Enter positive numbers, terminated by 0:")
while True:
num = int(input())
if num == 0:
return num_array

# Function to find the mean of numbers in an array
def find_mean(num_array):
total = sum(num_array)
length = len(num_array)
mean = total / length
return mean

# Subprogram to output the result
def output_result(mean):
print("Mean of the numbers: ", mean)

# Main program
numbers = input_numbers()
average = find_mean(numbers)

You can run this code and enter positive numbers followed by 0 to terminate the input. The code will then calculate the mean of the entered numbers and display the result.