Over the last century, do you think music has changed from being about artistic expression to being more about money and business? Why or why not?

I chagrin to say that rap is artistic expression, but it is. Amy Grant is artistic expression. Leontyne Price is about artistic expression. Johnny Cash was about expression. The Dixie Chicks were about expression, especially that fiddle player.

However, all tried to earn a decent living at it, and made decisions that enhanced their income.


To answer this question, we can consider both historical context and the current music industry landscape. Here's how you can approach this question to form your opinion:

1. Research the historical context: In the past century, there have been significant changes in the music industry. Look into the evolution of music genres, the advent of recording technology, and the rise of mass media and distribution platforms. Consider how these changes have affected the way music is created, consumed, and monetized.

2. Explore the perspective of artistic expression: Examine the motivations and intentions of artists throughout history. Look for examples of musicians who have used their music as a form of personal artistic expression, making bold statements, or pushing the boundaries of creativity. Consider the impact of social and cultural movements on music and how artists have reflected or contributed to those moments.

3. Evaluate the role of money and business: Investigate the influence of commercialization and the music industry's business models, such as record labels, streaming platforms, and concert promoters. Assess how these factors have shaped the way music is produced, marketed, and consumed. Consider whether financial success has become the primary goal for artists or if there is still room for artistic expression.

4. Analyze the current music industry: Assess the current state of the music industry. Look at the dominant genres, the popularity of mainstream artists, and the emphasis on commercial success. Consider the influence of marketing strategies, branding, and streaming platforms on music production and consumption. Also, explore the role of independent artists who may prioritize artistic expression over commercial gain.

5. Formulate your opinion: After examining the historical context and current landscape, form your own opinion on whether music has shifted from being primarily about artistic expression to prioritize money and business. Consider both the evidence of artists who prioritize artistic expression and those who seem driven primarily by financial gain. Remember that music is diverse, and different genres or artists may have distinct motivations and experiences.

By following these steps, you can gather information and insights to form a well-rounded opinion on whether music has changed from being about artistic expression to being more about money and business over the last century.