Emilio is employed as full-time mechanic in the service department of an auto dealer. In his spare time, he draws political cartoons and sells them to the weekly newspaper in his home town. He is paid $35 for each cartoon, which amounts to an additional $1,820. The newspaper does not withhold any taxes. This $1,820 is _______ income.

What are your choices?

A. net

B. disposable

C. budgeted

D. taxable

D. taxable


You're welcome.

Which one of the following statements best describes a budget "blind spot"?

A. Too little money was set aside to cover an expense.

B. This is an expense the person overlooked or did not account for when setting up the budget.

C. This is an item that requires periodic payments rather than monthly payments.

D. "Blind spot" is another name for Miscellaneous in the list of budget items.

COLA raises are linked to

the answer to the last one is B. This is an expense the person overlooked or did not account for when setting up the budget.

COLA raises are linked to the national inflation rate I am not American and I am aware of that I am not sure if we have that in England.

Which one of the following statements best describes what a budget is?

A. A method of figuring out the inflation rate.

B. An organized plan for spending money.

C. A way to keep people from really enjoying life.

D. A plan for saving money.

i got b is right?

Which one of the following statements best describes what a budget is?