What is the prefix, root and suffix of the word "subscribe"?

My Answer:

prefix - sub
root - scrib
suffix - e

Can the suffix be a single letter? What about the word "misused"?
Please help!?
Am I right?

Yes, you are correct in identifying the prefix, root, and suffix of the word "subscribe".

Prefix: sub-
Root: scribe
Suffix: -e

In the case of the word "misused", the breakdown is as follows:

Prefix: mis-
Root: use
Suffix: -ed

Now, to address your question, a suffix can indeed be a single letter. In the word "subscribe", the suffix is the letter "e". Similarly, in the word "misused", the suffix is "-ed", where "e" is the final letter.

So, by identifying the letters or groups of letters that come before the root (prefix) and after the root (suffix), you can determine the structure of a word and understand its meaning.

There is no suffix for subscribe.

-ed is the suffix for misused.


Thank you PsyDAG!

prefix - sub

root - scrib
suffix - e