Determine whether the given word is a prefix, suffix, or root word.




root word

C. root word

To determine whether the given word "ive" is a prefix, suffix, or root word, we need further information. Are there any additional words or word parts provided?

To determine whether the given word "ive" is a prefix, suffix, or root word, we can break it down and analyze its structure.

A prefix is a group of letters added to the beginning of a word to change its meaning, while a suffix is a group of letters added to the end of a word. A root word stands on its own and provides the base meaning of a word.

However, the word "ive" on its own does not provide much context to precisely determine its function as a prefix, suffix, or root word. It is essential to consider the word's usage within a sentence or its relation to other words.

Therefore, without further information or context, it is not possible to definitively determine whether "ive" is a prefix, suffix, or root word.