The behavior-change PROCESS in which a person investigates support groups or learns about social opportunities that can help with a change is called:

a. environmental control

b. self-reevaluation

c. self-liberation

d. precontemplation

e. social liberation

is it E

Yes, your answer is correct. The behavior-change process in which a person investigates support groups or learns about social opportunities that can help with a change is called social liberation.

To arrive at this answer, you can break down the options provided:

a. Environmental control refers to changing one's environment to support behavioral changes.
b. Self-reevaluation involves assessing one's values and beliefs in relation to the desired change.
c. Self-liberation refers to making a commitment and taking action towards the desired change.
d. Precontemplation is the stage where a person is not yet considering change.
e. Social liberation refers to seeking out social resources and opportunities that can support behavioral change.

By understanding the meanings of these options, you can determine that social liberation best fits the behavior-change process described in the question.