How do you spell the spanish word for "to understand", comprehender?


yo form-comprendo

tu form-comprendes
el/la form-comprende
we form-comprendemos
they/"y'all" form-comprenden

Actually, the correct spelling of the Spanish word for "to understand" is "comprender". To get the answer, you could have tried the following steps:

1. Identify that you want to find the correct spelling of the Spanish word for "to understand".
2. Use a search engine such as Google, Bing, or Yahoo.
3. Type the word "to understand in Spanish" or "Spanish word for to understand" in the search bar.
4. Look for reliable sources such as language learning websites, online dictionaries, or language forums.
5. Scan through the search results and find a source that provides the correct spelling.
6. Verify the spelling provided by the source to ensure accuracy.
7. Confirm that the Spanish word for "to understand" is indeed "comprender".