you would be more likely to see a rose stained glass window in what style of church?

a. gothic
b. romanesque
c. byzantine

Be sure!

To determine which style of church is more likely to have a rose stained glass window, we can analyze the characteristics of each style.

a. Gothic: Gothic architecture emerged in the 12th century and is known for its tall, pointed arches, ribbed vaults, and flying buttresses. Gothic churches often have large stained glass windows, including rose windows. The rose windows, also known as wheel windows, are circular or semicircular stained glass windows with intricate tracery resembling a rose. Examples of famous Gothic cathedrals with rose windows include Notre-Dame de Paris and Chartres Cathedral.

b. Romanesque: Romanesque architecture was prevalent between the 10th and 12th centuries. It is characterized by thick walls, round arches, and barrel vaults. Although Romanesque churches may have beautiful stained glass windows, rose windows are not as commonly found in this architectural style.

c. Byzantine: Byzantine architecture developed from the Eastern Roman Empire and spread throughout the Byzantine territories. It is recognized by its central dome, decorative mosaics, and intricate ornamentation. Unlike the Gothic style, Byzantine architecture does not typically incorporate rose windows.

Considering the above information, the most likely style of church to have a rose stained glass window is A. Gothic. The soaring height, pointed arches, and emphasis on elaborate stained glass make it the style most associated with glorious rose windows.