find the value of k such that when 2x^3+9x^2+kx-15 is divided by x+5, the remainder is 0.

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2x^3+9x^2+kx-15 is divided by x+5, the remainder is 0

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Y a h o o! Canada Answers - Polynomial Division Problem?

You will see solution with explanation.

in fact , u can substitude -5 into the x variable,and the write it like this:


then plz find k

6x3 + 29x2 + 2x – 90 is divided by x + 3

To find the value of k such that the polynomial 2x^3 + 9x^2 + kx - 15 is divided by x + 5 with a remainder of 0, we will use the Remainder Theorem.

The Remainder Theorem states that if a polynomial P(x) is divided by x - a, then the remainder is P(a). In this case, we are dividing by x + 5, so our "a" in the theorem is -5.

So, we need to evaluate the polynomial 2x^3 + 9x^2 + kx - 15 at x = -5 and set the result to 0, since the remainder should be zero.

Substituting x = -5 into the polynomial, we get:
2(-5)^3 + 9(-5)^2 + k(-5) - 15 = 0

Simplifying, we have:
-250 + 225k - 5k - 15 = 0

Combining like terms, we get:
-250 + 220k - 15 = 0

Simplifying further, we have:
220k - 265 = 0

To isolate the variable, we can add 265 to both sides:
220k = 265

Finally, divide both sides by 220 to find the value of k:
k = 265/220

Simplifying the division, we have:
k = 1.20454545

Therefore, the value of k that makes the remainder zero when dividing 2x^3 + 9x^2 + kx - 15 by x + 5 is k = 1.20454545.