The expression x³ + 8x² + px - 25 leaves a remainder of R when divided by x - 1 and a remainder of -R when divided by x + 2.

Find the value of p

To find the value of p, we can use the Remainder Theorem. According to the theorem, when a polynomial f(x) is divided by x - a, the remainder is given by f(a).

Given that the expression x³ + 8x² + px - 25 leaves a remainder of R when divided by x - 1, we have:

f(1) = R

Substituting 1 into the expression, we get:

(1)³ + 8(1)² + p(1) - 25 = R
1 + 8 + p - 25 = R
p - 16 = R ----(1)

Similarly, when the expression is divided by x + 2 and the remainder is -R, we have:

f(-2) = -R

Substituting -2 into the expression, we get:

(-2)³ + 8(-2)² + p(-2) - 25 = -R
-8 + 32 - 2p - 25 = -R
-R - 1 = -2p
R + 1 = 2p ----(2)

Combining equations (1) and (2), we get:

p - 16 = R
R + 1 = 2p

Rearranging equation (2) to solve for R, we have:

R = 2p - 1

Substituting this value of R into equation (1), we get:

p - 16 = 2p - 1
p - 2p = 16 - 1
-p = 15
p = -15

Therefore, the value of p is -15.

To find the value of p, we can use the Remainder theorem. According to this theorem, if a polynomial f(x) is divided by x - a, then the remainder is equal to f(a).

We are given that the polynomial x³ + 8x² + px - 25 leaves a remainder of R when divided by x - 1. Using the remainder theorem, we can set x = 1 and find the remainder:

R = 1³ + 8(1)² + p(1) - 25
R = 1 + 8 + p - 25
R = p - 16

We are also given that the same polynomial leaves a remainder of -R when divided by x + 2. Again using the remainder theorem, we can set x = -2 and find the remainder:

-R = (-2)³ + 8(-2)² + p(-2) - 25
-R = -8 + 32 - 2p - 25
-R = -p - 1

Since we know that both remainders are equal, we can set the expressions for R equal to each other:

p - 16 = -p - 1

Adding p to both sides:

2p - 16 = -1

Adding 16 to both sides:

2p = 15

Dividing both sides by 2:

p = 7.5

Therefore, the value of p is 7.5.