if I scored 72 out of a 100, what do i need to score to bring up may average to 80%

(72 + x)/2 = 80

72 + x = 160
x = 88

(88 + 72)/2 = 80

To determine the score you need to bring up your average to 80%, we need to consider the weightage or value of the 72 out of 100 score in your average calculation.

1. Find the weightage of the 72 out of 100 score:
- Assign a variable, let's say "x", to represent the weightage of the 72 out of 100 score.
- Assuming all the scores have equal weightage, we can set up the equation: (x/100) = 72/100.

2. Calculate the weightage of the remaining scores to reach an average of 80%:
- Subtract the weightage of the 72 out of 100 score from 100 to determine the weightage still needed.
- Assign another variable, let's say "y", to represent the weightage still needed.
- We can set up the equation: (y/100) = (80 - 72)/100.

3. Find the needed score to bring up your average:
- Combine the equations from step 1 and step 2:
(x/100) + (y/100) = 1
Simplify and solve for y. (y/100) = 8/100 ⇒ y = 800
- Therefore, you need to score 800 out of 100 in your next evaluation to bring up your average to 80%.

Remember to adapt these calculations based on the specific weightage or value given to each score in your average calculation.