ms. sue this be for persuasive essay the teacher say to write on one parents/dad or mom and do they be a good parent? what make them good parent? what does job require? why?

i do this one on dad because he make jeanete feel more special, but i not know how to start it out, the thesis i not get.

Here's a possibility for a thesis.

Jeannette's father was a better parent than her mother because he made his child feel special.

The body of your essay should show examples to prove your thesis.

After you've written the body of your essay, then write the introduction.

Thanks very much ms. sue :)

To start your persuasive essay on whether your dad is a good parent, it's important to first craft a clear and concise thesis statement. The thesis statement outlines the argument you will make in your essay and expresses your main point of view. To write a solid thesis statement for your essay, follow these steps:

1. Identify the main characteristics or qualities that make your dad a good parent. These could include his supportiveness, love and affection, communication skills, discipline methods, or involvement in your life.

2. Choose one or two specific qualities that you believe are the most significant in making him a good parent. For example, you mentioned that your dad makes you feel more special. Think about why this quality stands out to you and how it contributes to your overall well-being and happiness.

3. Combine the main qualities and your personal experience into a clear, arguable statement. A persuasive thesis statement could be something like: "My dad is a good parent because of his unwavering support, constant love, and his ability to make me feel uniquely special, which has positively impacted my emotional and psychological development."

Remember, your thesis statement should be concise and specific, capturing the main point of your essay while providing a strong stance that you will support throughout your writing.