why is it hard to find the mass of the statue of librty

Finding the mass of the Statue of Liberty can be challenging for a few reasons:

1. Inaccessibility: The Statue of Liberty is a large, monumental structure located on Liberty Island in New York Harbor. It is not readily accessible for direct measurements of its mass.

2. Complex structure: The Statue of Liberty is made of a copper skin supported by an iron framework. Its hollow interior further complicates the mass measurement. The statue's design and construction make it difficult to determine the exact mass without disassembling it.

3. Historical documentation: The Statue of Liberty was completed in 1886, and there might be limited or incomplete historical records regarding its mass during its construction. Additionally, the statue has undergone repairs and renovations over the years, which could further complicate the documentation of its exact mass.

To estimate the mass of the Statue of Liberty, various indirect methods can be used:

1. 3D modeling and computer simulations: Using modern technology, engineers and researchers can create detailed 3D models of the statue. By analyzing these models and simulating various physical properties, such as density and thickness, an estimated mass can be derived.

2. Archival research: Historical records, photographs, and documentation related to the construction and repairs of the Statue of Liberty can provide valuable insights into its materials, dimensions, and construction techniques. These records may provide clues that can be used to estimate the mass.

3. Displacement method: It is possible to estimate the mass of an object by measuring the volume of liquid it displaces when submerged. However, due to the size and inaccessibility of the Statue of Liberty, using this method would not be practical.

4. Engineering calculations: By examining the materials used, such as copper and iron, and estimating their respective densities, scientists can calculate the mass of these components. However, this method would only provide an estimation of the excluded internal volume.

Ultimately, while it may be challenging to determine the precise mass of the Statue of Liberty, different scientific and engineering approaches can be employed to estimate its approximate value.