Insulin, antibodies, enzymes and progesterone are four of many molecules found in and around cells. Of these four__________ are/is not a protein. (Points: 4)

a. antibodies
b. insulin and antibodies
c. antibodies and progesterone
d. progesterone

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Go to the following site and read about the chemistry of progesterone and then ask yourself if it is a protein.

To determine which molecule is not a protein among insulin, antibodies, enzymes, and progesterone, we need to understand the nature of these molecules.

Insulin: Insulin is a hormone that regulates blood sugar levels. It is composed of two polypeptide chains held together by disulfide bonds. These chains are made up of amino acids, which are the building blocks of proteins. Therefore, insulin is a protein.

Antibodies: Antibodies, also known as immunoglobulins, are proteins produced by the immune system in response to foreign substances called antigens. They are composed of two heavy chains and two light chains, all of which are made up of amino acids. Thus, antibodies are proteins.

Enzymes: Enzymes are proteins that catalyze biochemical reactions in the body. They are typically composed of chains of amino acids folded into specific three-dimensional structures. Therefore, enzymes are proteins.

Progesterone: Progesterone is a steroid hormone involved in regulating the menstrual cycle and pregnancy. Unlike the other molecules listed, progesterone is not composed of amino acids and is not built from a chain of these building blocks. It is synthesized from cholesterol in the body. Thus, progesterone is not a protein.

Based on this information, the correct answer is:

d. progesterone