a scale on a map is 1.5 in. : 200 mi. the map distance from miami to chicago is 9 in. what is the actual distance between the cities?

Cross multiply and solve for x.

1.5/200 = 9/x

Does 13.5 miles make sense to you as the distance between Chicago and Miami????

sorry 2700 miles




Right! It's about 1200 miles between Miami and Chicago.

as always thanks for your help!

You're very welcome, Marko.

To find the actual distance between Miami and Chicago using the given scale on a map, you need to set up a proportion.

The scale on the map is 1.5 inches to 200 miles. We want to find the actual distance, so we'll call it "x" in miles.

The proportion can be set up as follows:

1.5 inches / 200 miles = 9 inches / x miles

To solve for "x," we can cross-multiply and then solve for the unknown variable:

1.5 inches * x miles = 9 inches * 200 miles

1.5x = 1800

Now, divide both sides of the equation by 1.5 to solve for "x":

x = 1800 / 1.5

x ≈ 1200

Therefore, the actual distance between Miami and Chicago is approximately 1200 miles.

x= 13.5 is that right