please help me by describing what do you really mean by pronom en and pronom relatifs and its uses

I'll send this to SraJMcGin.

Without knowing what level of French you are studying (II, III, IV, V), I have no idea just how much information you need! So, I'll make it rather complete and you can select what you need. However, as you get to further grammar, you might want to save other sections of this.

First of all, a pronoun substitutes for a noun. There are many different kinds of pronouns, but usually 2 main categories: personal and impersonal.

Personal merely means that the following pronouns change according to the grammatical person they represent. There are 5 different kinds of French personal pronouns.

Subject: je, tu, il, elle, on, nous, vous, ils, elles

Direct Object: me, te, le,(l'), la(l'), nous, vous, les

Indirect Object: me, te, lui, nous, vous, leur

Reflexive: me, te, se, nous, vous, se

Stressed: moi, toi, lui, elle, soi, nous, vous, eux, elles

*In the imperative, me and te sometimes change to moi and toi. Plus don't forget that the "e" or "a" in me, te, le, la, etc. when followed by a vowel, is omitted and you'll see l'ai, etc. for example.

A French relative pronoun, like an English one, links a dependent or relative clause to a main clause. They may replace a subject, direct object, indirect object or preposition so study them one at a time.

French relative pronouns: que, qui, lequel, don't and où have no "one-to-one equivalents; depending on the context, they may be translated as: who, whom, that, which, whose, where or when. Although they are sometimes optional in English, they are required in French.

qui = replaces a subject or indirect object that is a person and translates as who, what, which, that, whom

que = replaces a direct object and translates as whom, what, which, that

lequel = replaces an indirect object that is a thing and translates as what, which, that

dont = is the object of "de" and indicates possession, translated as of which, from which, that whose

où = indicates a place or time and is translated as when, where, which, that

NOTE: ce que, ce qui, ce don't and qu oi are indefinite relative pronouns.

Indefinite relative pronouns:
ce qui = subject = what
ce que/qu' = direct object = what
ce don't = object of "de" = which, what

quoi = object of a preposition = which, what

(The fifth indefinite relative pronoun which is rare and complicated is "quiconque" so I'll not explain that here.)

The two most confused relative pronouns are "qui" and "que."

que (qu') replaces the direct object (person OR thing) in the dependent clause. example: J'ai acheté le livre. Mon professeur l'a écrit. = J'ai acheté le livre que mon prof a écrit. = I bought the book (that) my professor wrote. (I have NOT used a feminine direct object here because a past participle must agree with a preceding feminine direct object.)

qui replaces the subject (person or thing)( in the dependent clause.
example: Je cherche l'artiste. Il étudie à Paris. = Je cherche l'artiste qui étudie à Paris. = I'm looking for the artist (who is) studying in Paris.

qui also replaces an indirect object referring to a person after a preposition, including prepositions rquired after certain verbs or expressions.
example: Je vois une dame. Je travaille avec cette dame. = Je vois une dame avec qui je travaille. = I see a lady with whom I work./I see a woman I work with.

If the object of the preposition is a thing, you need lequel.
Exception with the preposition "de" in which case you need dont.

Now, aren't you glad y ou asked?

Sra (aka Mme)

i am very glad and thanks for helping me

thank you maam for sending this questions

Certainly! "Pronom en" and "pronom relatifs" are terms used in French grammar to refer to specific types of pronouns.

1. Pronom en (Pronoun "en"):
- "Pronom en" is a pronoun that replaces a noun introduced by the preposition "de" (meaning 'of' or 'from') or a quantity of something.
- It is used to avoid repeating the noun and make sentences more concise.
- Example:
- Original sentence: "J'ai acheté des pommes." (I bought some apples.)
- Revised sentence with "en": "J'en ai acheté." (I bought some.)

2. Pronom relatifs (Relative Pronouns):
- "Pronom relatifs" are pronouns that introduce a subordinate clause and connect it to the main clause.
- They are used to refer back to a noun or pronoun mentioned earlier in the sentence.
- The most common relative pronouns in French are "qui," "que," and "dont."
- Example:
- Original sentence: "La fille qui est assise à côté de moi est française." (The girl who is sitting next to me is French.)
- The relative pronoun "qui" refers back to "la fille" (the girl).

To understand and use "pronom en" and "pronom relatifs" effectively, here are some steps you can follow:

1. Study the rules and examples in your French grammar textbook or online resources.
2. Practice identifying situations where "pronom en" can be used to replace a noun introduced by the preposition "de."
3. Familiarize yourself with the different types of relative pronouns (such as "qui," "que," and "dont") and the contexts in which they are used.
4. Read French texts and pay attention to the instances where "pronom relatifs" are employed.
5. Practice using "pronom en" and "pronom relatifs" in your own speaking and writing exercises to reinforce your understanding.

Remember, consistent practice and exposure to the French language will help you become more comfortable with these concepts and improve your ability to use them accurately.