I need help with this in order to correctly complete my other related problems.

Thank you so much in advance =)

Arrange the following 0.1 M solutions in order of increasing pH and state why you placed each solution in that position: NaCH3COO, HCl, HCN, NaOH, NH3, NaCN, KNO3, H2SO4, NH4Cl, H2SO3, NaHCO3, Na3PO4 and CH3COOH.

In order of increasing pH:

To determine the order of increasing pH for the given solutions, we need to understand the behavior of each compound in water and how it affects the concentration of hydroxide ions (OH-) and hydronium ions (H3O+), which determine the pH of a solution.

1. HCl: HCl is a strong acid that completely dissociates in water, releasing H3O+ ions. Therefore, it has a low pH and will be one of the solutions with the lowest pH.

2. H2SO4: H2SO4 is also a strong acid that completely dissociates in water, releasing H3O+ ions. Like HCl, it has a low pH and will have a similar position in the order.

3. H2SO3: H2SO3 is a weak acid that partially dissociates in water, releasing some H3O+ ions. Since it is weaker than HCl and H2SO4, it will have a slightly higher pH and will be placed after them.

4. CH3COOH: CH3COOH is a weak acid that partially dissociates in water, releasing some H3O+ ions. It is weaker than H2SO3, so it will have a higher pH and be placed after it in the order.

5. NH4Cl: NH4Cl is the salt of a weak base (NH3) and a strong acid (HCl). When NH4Cl is dissolved in water, it dissociates into NH4+ and Cl- ions. The NH4+ ions can react with water to produce H3O+ ions, resulting in a slightly acidic solution. Therefore, NH4Cl will have a higher pH than weak acids and be placed after them in the order.

6. NaCN: NaCN is the salt of a weak acid (HCN) and a strong base (NaOH). When NaCN is dissolved in water, it dissociates into Na+ and CN- ions. The CN- ions can react with water to produce OH- ions, resulting in a slightly basic solution. Therefore, NaCN will have a higher pH than NH4Cl and be placed after it in the order.

7. NaHCO3: NaHCO3 is the salt of a weak acid (H2CO3) and a strong base (NaOH). When NaHCO3 is dissolved in water, it dissociates into Na+ and HCO3- ions. The HCO3- ions can react with water to produce H3O+ and OH- ions, resulting in a slightly basic solution. Therefore, NaHCO3 will have a higher pH than NaCN and be placed after it in the order.

8. Na3PO4: Na3PO4 is the salt of a strong base (NaOH) and a weak acid (H3PO4). When Na3PO4 is dissolved in water, it dissociates into Na+ and PO4^3- ions. The PO4^3- ions can react with water to produce OH- ions, resulting in a basic solution. Therefore, Na3PO4 will have a higher pH than NaHCO3 and be placed after it in the order.

9. NaOH: NaOH is a strong base that completely dissociates in water, releasing OH- ions. Therefore, it has a high pH and will be one of the solutions with the highest pH.

10. NH3: NH3 is a weak base that reacts with water to produce NH4+ and OH- ions through the process of hydrolysis. It increases the concentration of OH- ions, resulting in a higher pH compared to NaOH. Therefore, NH3 will be placed after NaOH in the order.

11. NaCH3COO: NaCH3COO is the salt of a weak acid (CH3COOH) and a strong base (NaOH). When NaCH3COO is dissolved in water, it dissociates into Na+ and CH3COO- ions. The CH3COO- ions can react with water to produce OH- ions, resulting in a slightly basic solution. Therefore, NaCH3COO will have a higher pH than NH3 and be placed after it in the order.

12. HCN: HCN is a weak acid that partially dissociates in water, releasing some H3O+ ions. It is weaker than NaCH3COO, so it will have a higher pH and be placed after it in the order.

Therefore, the order of increasing pH for the given 0.1 M solutions is:

HCl < H2SO4 < H2SO3 < CH3COOH < NH4Cl < NaCN < NaHCO3 < Na3PO4 < NaOH < NH3 < NaCH3COO < HCN

See your other post above.