In a local election,53,400 people voted. This was a decrease of 7% over the last election.How many people voted in the last election? Round to the nearest whole person

(1-.07)x = 53,400

Solve for x.

To find out how many people voted in the last election, we first need to calculate the decrease in the number of voters.

Step 1: Calculate the decrease percentage:
Decrease percentage = 7%

Step 2: Calculate the decrease in voters:
Decrease = (Decrease percentage / 100) × Number of voters
Decrease = (7 / 100) × 53,400

Step 3: Calculate the number of voters in the previous election:
Number of voters in the previous election = Number of voters - Decrease
Number of voters in the previous election = 53,400 - (7 / 100) × 53,400

Now, let's calculate the answer:

Number of voters in the previous election = (93 / 100) × 53,400
Number of voters in the previous election ≈ 49,722

Rounded to the nearest whole person, approximately 49,722 people voted in the previous election.

To find the number of people who voted in the last election, you need to calculate the original number of voters before the decrease of 7%.

First, let's express the decrease of 7% as a decimal.
7% can be written as 0.07 (since 7/100 = 0.07).

To find the original number of voters, divide the number of voters in the current election by 1 minus the percentage decrease:
Original Number of Voters = Number of Voters / (1 - Decrease Percentage)

Let's apply this formula to the given information:
Original Number of Voters = 53,400 / (1 - 0.07)

Calculating this equation, we have:
Original Number of Voters = 53,400 / 0.93 ≈ 57,419.35

Rounding this value to the nearest whole person, we get:
Approximately 57,419 people voted in the last election.