Modern psychoanalysis is defined as

A treatment that focuses on observable behavior
A treatmet method for mild to moderate disorders that uses a process of patient discovery
Demonstrating how unconscious factors affect a persons current relationships and patterns of behavior( my choice)
A treatment method that always focuses on Freuds original notion if id, ego and superego

Any suggestions

1. C

2. A
3. D
4. Listen
5. C
6. B
7. D
8. A
9. C

Just finished the quiz.

I agree.

Personification person is right!

Based on the options you provided, the most accurate definition of modern psychoanalysis is "demonstrating how unconscious factors affect a person's current relationships and patterns of behavior." This term refers to a treatment approach that embraces the foundational principles of Sigmund Freud's psychoanalytic theory while also incorporating contemporary perspectives and research findings.

To arrive at this answer, it is important to consider the descriptions provided for each option and assess their alignment with the concepts of modern psychoanalysis. Let's analyze the other options to further understand why they might not be the best choices:

1. "A treatment that focuses on observable behavior": This description aligns more closely with behaviorism, a separate psychological approach that emphasizes the influence of external stimuli on observable actions. Although modern psychoanalysis may consider observable behaviors, it primarily emphasizes the examination of unconscious factors.

2. "A treatment method for mild to moderate disorders that uses a process of patient discovery": While it is true that psychoanalysis can be used to treat various psychological disorders, this description does not encompass the core focus of modern psychoanalysis, which is the exploration of unconscious factors and their impact on current relationships and behaviors. Moreover, the term "patient discovery" is fairly vague and does not capture the key aspects of modern psychoanalytic treatment or theory.

3. "A treatment method that always focuses on Freud's original notion of id, ego, and superego": This option is not an accurate representation of modern psychoanalysis. Although Freud's concepts of id, ego, and superego influenced the development of psychoanalysis, modern psychoanalysis incorporates newer perspectives and therapeutic techniques that go beyond Freud's original ideas.

In summary, the precise definition of modern psychoanalysis is centered on uncovering and understanding how unconscious factors influence a person's present relationships and behavioral patterns. It is crucial to critically evaluate each option by considering its relationship to the core principles and techniques of modern psychoanalytic practice, as demonstrated above.