Using the Internet, encyclopedia, and/other reference material for research, write a 1,000-word report on feudalism in the history in one of the following countries:

Include the approximate years when feudalism began and ended in that country. Give its strong and weak points, including how feudalism finished its course in the country you selected. In addition, tell who the national leaders were at the time that feudalism was active in that country. Did the national leader play a part in encouraging or harming feudalism within their country? Please explain.

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just give us the essay 1000 words its due tomorrow just go ahead and writ eit out so we can copy and past pleazee

idk what this stuff is im doing it on germany

the approximate years when feudalism began and ended in france

To write a 1,000-word report on feudalism in France, England, or Germany, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Research

Start by gathering information from credible sources such as books, online encyclopedias like Encyclopedia Britannica or Wikipedia, reputable websites, and academic journals regarding the selected country's history and specifically feudalism. The use of keywords like "feudalism in France," "feudalism in England," or "feudalism in Germany" will help you find relevant information.

Step 2: Introduction

Begin the report by providing a brief introduction to feudalism, explaining its basic concepts, and highlighting its significant role in medieval society. Include general information about the country you selected, its geographical location, and any other relevant background details.

Step 3: Feudalism in the Selected Country

Next, focus on the specific country you chose and discuss when feudalism began, how it developed, and when it ended. Provide approximate years for the beginning and end of feudalism in the country. Cite reliable sources to support your claims and ensure accuracy.

Step 4: Strong and Weak Points

Analyze the strong and weak points of feudalism in the chosen country. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages from economic, social, and political perspectives. For example, you could elaborate on the benefits of a structured hierarchy and the provision of security but also touch upon the problems of limited social mobility and power concentration.

Step 5: Conclusion

Conclude the report by summarizing the main points you discussed in each section. Provide an overall assessment of feudalism's impact on the selected country and its eventual demise.

Step 6: National Leaders

To determine the national leaders during the feudal period, consult historical records and scholarly sources. Identify the key figures who held power and influence during this time. Explain whether these leaders played a role in promoting or hindering feudalism within the country. Analyze their policies, actions, and impact on the feudal system.

Step 7: Writing and Editing

Once you have collected all the necessary information, begin writing your report. Ensure that your language is clear, concise, and well-structured. Review and edit your work for grammatical errors, coherence, and consistency.

Remember to cite your sources appropriately using a citation style such as APA or MLA to give credit to the original authors and avoid plagiarism.

By following these steps, you will be able to research and write a comprehensive report on feudalism in France, England, or Germany, covering its beginning and end, strong and weak points, and the role of national leaders in shaping its course.