two resistors are connected in parallel. Their resistances are 8 ohms and 17 ohms. What is the resistance (R) of the combination?



1/R = 1/8 + 1/17
1/R = (17+8)/(17*8) = 25/136
R = 136/25 = 5.44

To find the equivalent resistance (R) of two resistors connected in parallel, you can use the formula:

1/R = 1/R₁ + 1/R₂ + ...

In this case, we have two resistors connected in parallel with resistances of 8 ohms and 17 ohms. Therefore, we can substitute the values into the formula:

1/R = 1/8 + 1/17

To simplify the equation, we need to find a common denominator:

1/R = (17 + 8) / (8 * 17)
= 25 / 136

We can then flip both sides of the equation to solve for R:

R = 136/25

Therefore, the resistance (R) of the combination of these two resistors is approximately 5.44 ohms.