B had 30% as many stamps as C. C had 125% as many stamps as D. If D gave B 70 stamps, B would then have 50% of what C had. How many stamps did the 3 of them have altogether?

B = .3C

C = 1.25D
B+70 = .5C

We end up with

B = 105
C = 350
D = 280

B+70 = 175 = 350/2

SO, B+C+D=735

Thank you, Steve.

To solve this problem, let's break it down step by step.

1. Let's represent the number of stamps D has as "x".
2. C has 125% as many stamps as D, so C has 1.25x stamps.
3. B has 30% as many stamps as C, so B has 0.30 * 1.25x = 0.375x stamps.
4. When D gives B 70 stamps, B then has 0.375x + 70 stamps.
5. B would then have 50% of what C had. This means that 0.375x + 70 = 0.50 * 1.25x.
6. Simplifying the equation above, we get 0.375x + 70 = 0.625x.

Now, we can solve the equation to find the value of x, which represents the number of stamps D has.

0.625x - 0.375x = 70
0.25x = 70
x = 70 / 0.25
x = 280

So, D has 280 stamps.

To find the number of stamps C has, we can substitute the value of x into the equation 1.25x.

C = 1.25 * 280
C = 350

Therefore, C has 350 stamps.

To find the number of stamps B has, we can substitute the value of x into the equation 0.375x.

B = 0.375 * 280
B = 105

Therefore, B has 105 stamps.

Finally, to find the total number of stamps all three of them have altogether, we add up their individual counts:

D + C + B = 280 + 350 + 105
D + C + B = 735

So, the three of them have a total of 735 stamps altogether.