Determine if x=0.6 is a root of 4^(2x)=5


x= 1/2 log5/log4

put this in the google search window:

1/2 *(log(5))/log(4) =

Thanks so much!

To determine if x=0.6 is a root of the equation 4^(2x) = 5, we need to substitute the value of x into the equation and check if it satisfies the equation.

1. Start by substituting x=0.6 into the equation:
4^(2*0.6) = 5

2. Simplify the exponent:
4^(1.2) = 5

3. Evaluate the left-hand side of the equation:
4^1.2 = 5

4. Calculate 4^1.2 using a calculator or by using logarithms. The answer is approximately 5.278:

4^1.2 ≈ 5.278

5. Compare the result with the right-hand side of the equation:
5.278 ≠ 5

The left-hand side of the equation is not equal to the right-hand side when x=0.6. Therefore, x=0.6 is not a root of the equation 4^(2x)=5.