how do u put in writing to explain a array to find 4 times 13

To explain how to find 4 times 13 using an array, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by drawing a grid or a table. This will represent the array.
2. In the first row of the grid, write the number 13 four times. These represent the 4 groups of 13 that we want to find.
3. In the first column of the grid, write the number 4. This represents the number of sets of 13 we're looking for.
4. Multiply the number in the first row by the number in the first column for each cell in the grid.
5. Add up the numbers in each cell to get the final answer.

Here is an example of the array for finding 4 times 13:

4 13 13 13 13
4 | 16 52 52 52 52

In this example, you can see that 4 times 13 equals 52. The numbers in the array represent the multiplication process, allowing you to easily visualize and calculate the result.