So I'm doing a paper regarding the industrial revolution and the working class.. I need your opinion with regards to the idea that the working class is an important agent of change..

During the industrial revolution, why do you think the proletariat was an agent of change?

thanks Ms. Sue! :)

To form an opinion on whether the working class (proletariat) was an important agent of change during the Industrial Revolution, we need to understand their role and the context in which they operated. The industrial revolution brought about significant social and economic transformations, including the rise of factories, the growth of urban areas, and the exploitation of the working class.

Here's how you can form your own opinion on this matter:

1. Research historical sources: Examine primary and secondary sources such as books, articles, and historical records to gain insight into the conditions and experiences of the working class during the industrial revolution. Look for accounts of their struggles, protests, and demands for better working conditions and rights.

2. Understand economic conditions: Study the economic changes brought about by the industrial revolution, such as the growth of capitalism and the emergence of industrial capitalism. Analyze how these changes impacted the working class and explore how their labor was vital for driving industrial production and accumulating wealth for the ruling class.

3. Assess political mobilization: Investigate the emergence of labor movements, trade unions, and socialist movements during this period. Consider the demands and actions taken by the working class to protect their rights, improve living conditions, and challenge the established social order.

4. Evaluate social upheaval: Examine the social consequences of the industrial revolution, such as the breakdown of traditional social structures, the rise of class consciousness, and the widening wealth gap. Assess how these factors influenced the working class to organize and actively seek change in their lives.

5. Consider long-term impact: Reflect on the lasting effects of the working class movements during this time. Evaluate whether the demands and struggles of the working class contributed to significant changes in labor laws, social policies, and class relations, both during the industrial revolution and in subsequent periods.

By conducting thorough research and analysis using historical sources and considering the broader social and economic context, you'll be able to form an informed opinion regarding the importance of the working class as an agent of change during the industrial revolution.