The rear window in a car is approximately a rectangle, 1.8 m wide and 0.33 m high. The inside rearview mirror is 0.58 m from the driver's eyes, and 1.64 m from the rear window.


To find the distance between the driver's eyes and the top edge of the rear window, we can use the given information. Let's break down the steps:

1. First, let's visualize the situation. We have a rectangle representing the rear window, with dimensions 1.8 m wide and 0.33 m high. The inside rearview mirror is located 0.58 m from the driver's eyes, and 1.64 m from the rear window.

2. We want to find the distance between the driver's eyes and the top edge of the rear window. Let's denote this distance as "d".

3. We can divide the problem into two parts - the distance from the driver's eyes to the rearview mirror (0.58 m), and the distance from the rearview mirror to the top edge of the rear window (d).

4. Using the given information, the total distance from the driver's eyes to the top edge of the rear window is 0.58 m + 1.64 m. Therefore, we have the equation: 0.58 m + 1.64 m = d.

5. Simplifying the equation, we can calculate: d = 2.22 m.

Therefore, the distance between the driver's eyes and the top edge of the rear window is 2.22 meters.