I'm having a problem answering some questions we're learning about shopping and stuff like that so could someone check these please.

1. ¿Qué buscas cuando vas te compras?
Busco variedad de cosas cuando voy me compro.
2. ¿Quien es la persona mas de moda en tu familia?
Mi madre es la persona mas de moda en mi familia.

I've emailed the link to your post to SraJMcGin. She'll reply as soon as she can.

The second one is correct, in the case of first question both the question and the answer are wrong. Why you use "te", the subject is implicit in "buscas" (you - tu, second person, present tense). It is more simple, probably you make a mispelling mistake, use "de". For the answer you do not buy your self (cuando voy me compro), again is more simple:

... when I go.
... cuando voy (así de simple).
Busco variedad de cosas cuando voy.

Thank you Ricardo-it was a spelling mistake with te should be de but I see where I made the other mistake. Thanks again.

1. ¿Qué buscas cuando vas de compras? is the question as Ricardfo says. the answer then is: Busco variedad de cosas cuando me voy de compras. OR rather than irse, since the question only uses "ir" I would also in the answer = Busco variedad de cosas cuando voy de compras.

2. 2 accents required in the question = ¿Quién es la persona más de moda en tu familia? And the answer is: Mi madre es la persona más de moda en mi familia.

If you do not know how to make accent marks with the computer, I need to know 2 things: 1) Do you have a PC or Mac? 2) Do you have Windows or not.


As SraJMcGin says you forget (also I do) the accent in "quién". You can use regional and language option (in you have a Windows System) and add a spanish keyboard, after that select it with keyboard shortcut or change settings language in the star bar. You can see the keyboard distribution with "properties". The accent is besides the "p".

As SraJMcGin says you forget (also I do) the accent in "quién". You can use regional and language option (in you have a Windows System) and add a spanish keyboard, after that select it with keyboard shortcut or change settings language in the star bar. You can see the keyboard distribution with "properties". The accent is besides the "p".

Sra, Thank you for responding. I use spanishtypeit to do accents but I actually forgot the accents in both words above

Thank you again

and thank you Ricardo also for responding