How to I round 613,572,947 to the nearest tens. My teacher confuses me with this. Would it be 50?

47 becomes 50 all right so it is


In scientific notation this would be

61357295 + 10^1

That means all we are sure about is that last 5 and the ones to the left of it.

Thank you. What if i round it to millions. would it be 4 million?

614 * 10^6 = 614 million

To round 613,572,947 to the nearest tens, you need to look at the digit in the tens place. In this case, the digit in the tens place is 4.

When rounding to the nearest tens, if the digit in the ones place is 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4, you round down. If the digit in the ones place is 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9, you round up.

In this case, the digit in the tens place is 4, which is less than 5. Therefore, you round down to the nearest tens. To do this, you keep the digit in the tens place as is (which is 0) and change all the digits to the right of it (which are 572,947) to zero.

So, rounding 613,572,947 to the nearest tens results in 613,572,940, not 50.