76499-round to nearest tens


To round the number 76,499 to the nearest tens place, follow these steps:

Step 1: Identify the tens place digit.
The tens place digit is the second digit from the right, which is '9' in this case.

Step 2: Determine the closer tens number.
Since the tens digit is 9, we need to compare it with the numbers 5 and 0. The number 9 is closer to 10 than it is to 0.

Step 3: Round up or down.
If the digit in the ones place is 5 or greater, you round up, and if it is less than 5, you round down. In this case, the digit in the ones place is 9, which is greater than 5, so we round up.

Step 4: Replace the digits after the tens place with zeros.
After rounding up, the tens place digit becomes 10, and all digits after the tens place become zeros.

Therefore, when rounding 76,499 to the nearest tens, the rounded number is 76,500.

To round 76499 to the nearest tens, you'll need to look at the ones digit, which is 9.

If the ones digit is 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4, you round down to the previous tens. In this case, the ones digit is 9, which is greater than 5. So we round up to the next tens.

The tens digit in 76499 is 4. When you round up, you add 1 to the tens digit, making it 5. The ones digit becomes 0 because you rounded up. Therefore, when rounding 76499 to the nearest tens, the answer is 76500.