Truth tables can

a. display all the possible truth value involved with a set of sentences.
b.determine what scientific claims are true.
c.determine if inductive arguments are strong.
d.determine if inductive arguments are weak.

The correct answer for this question is option a. Truth tables can display all the possible truth values involved with a set of sentences.

To determine the correct answer, you can analyze the options given and evaluate each one.

Option a states that truth tables can display all the possible truth values involved with a set of sentences. This is indeed true. Truth tables are a tool used in logic to show all the possible combinations of truth values for a given set of propositions or sentences.

Option b states that truth tables can determine what scientific claims are true. This is not entirely correct. While truth tables are used for logical evaluation, they are not directly used to determine the truth or falsehood of scientific claims. Scientific claims generally require empirical evidence and experimentation for validation.

Option c states that truth tables can determine if inductive arguments are strong. This is incorrect. Truth tables are not suitable for evaluating inductive arguments. Inductive arguments rely on statistical or empirical evidence to support their conclusions, which is not captured by truth tables.

Option d states that truth tables can determine if inductive arguments are weak. This is also not accurate. As mentioned earlier, truth tables are not designed to evaluate the strength or weakness of inductive arguments.

Therefore, the correct answer is option a, as truth tables can indeed display all the possible truth values involved with a set of sentences.