Which adaptation helps some plants that live in the dry deserts?

A.tall trunks
B.long roots
C.thin stems
D.floating parts

An animal that sleeps during the day MOST LIKELY lives in
A.a tropical rain forest
B.a tundra region
C.a tide pool
D.a hot desert

A student gathered data on a learned behavior in dogs. The BEST way she can use a computer to help her understand what her data mean is to
A.do Internet research about inherited traits
B.make a graph of her data
C.send an email about dogs
D.find photos of dogs on the internet

I agree with your first and last answers.


Yes, many desert escape the heat of the day by sleeping then.

To determine which adaptation helps some plants that live in the dry deserts, you can analyze the characteristics of each option.

A. Tall trunks: Tall trunks are not a common adaptation for plants in dry deserts. They are more relevant in rainforests and other environments with abundant water resources.

B. Long roots: This is the most appropriate adaptation for plants in dry deserts. Long roots allow plants to reach deep underground water sources, maximizing their chances of survival in arid conditions.

C. Thin stems: Thin stems do not specifically help plants in dry deserts. They are more associated with plants in windy environments where resistance is needed.

D. Floating parts: Floating parts are irrelevant in the context of dry deserts, as there are usually no significant bodies of water present.

Therefore, the correct answer is B. Long roots.

For the question about an animal that sleeps during the day, you can analyze the given options to determine its most likely habitat.

A. Tropical rainforest: Tropical rainforests usually have a dense canopy that blocks most sunlight, making it a suitable habitat for animals that sleep during the day.

B. Tundra region: Tundra regions generally experience long periods of daylight or continuous sunlight during certain seasons. Thus, it is unlikely for an animal that sleeps during the day to live there.

C. Tide pool: Tide pools are typically coastal habitats and do not have a direct influence on an animal's sleep pattern.

D. Hot desert: Hot deserts have high temperatures during the day, which makes it challenging for an animal to rest. Therefore, it is unlikely for an animal that sleeps during the day to live in a hot desert.

Based on this analysis, the most likely habitat for an animal that sleeps during the day is A. a tropical rainforest.

As for the question about a student gathering data on learned behavior in dogs, you need to consider the best way she can use a computer to understand her data.

A. Doing internet research about inherited traits: While internet research may provide general information about inherited traits, it may not specifically help the student understand the data she gathered on learned behavior in dogs.

B. Making a graph of her data: This is the best option as creating a graph will allow the student to visualize and analyze her data, enabling her to identify patterns and draw meaningful conclusions.

C. Sending an email about dogs: Emailing about dogs is not directly related to understanding the student's data on learned behavior.

D. Finding photos of dogs on the internet: While finding photos of dogs may be interesting or visually appealing, it does not help the student understand her data on learned behavior.

Therefore, the correct answer is B. Making a graph of her data.