express each fraction as a percentage and round off to 2 decimal places.


Divide each numerator by its denominator, such as dividing 148 into 79.

What do you get?


To express each fraction as a percentage and round off to 2 decimal places, follow these steps:

Step 1: Divide the numerator (top number) by the denominator (bottom number) to get the decimal value of the fraction.
Step 2: Multiply the decimal value obtained in step 1 by 100 to convert it to a percentage.
Step 3: Round off the result to 2 decimal places.

Let's apply these steps to each fraction:

a) 79/148:
Step 1: Divide 79 by 148: 79 ÷ 148 ≈ 0.53378378
Step 2: Multiply the result by 100: 0.53378378 × 100 ≈ 53.38
Step 3: Round off to 2 decimal places: 53.38 (rounded)

b) 58/379:
Step 1: Divide 58 by 379: 58 ÷ 379 ≈ 0.152772
Step 2: Multiply the result by 100: 0.152772 × 100 ≈ 15.28
Step 3: Round off to 2 decimal places: 15.28 (rounded)

c) 15/52:
Step 1: Divide 15 by 52: 15 ÷ 52 ≈ 0.28846154
Step 2: Multiply the result by 100: 0.28846154 × 100 ≈ 28.85
Step 3: Round off to 2 decimal places: 28.85 (rounded)

d) 43/95:
Step 1: Divide 43 by 95: 43 ÷ 95 ≈ 0.45263158
Step 2: Multiply the result by 100: 0.45263158 × 100 ≈ 45.26
Step 3: Round off to 2 decimal places: 45.26 (rounded)