Here is interview 4. Could you please help me rephrase it, especially the part with (??) which I can't understand.

5)Speaker 4 is again very colloquial. “I’ve had quite a few interviews for, let’s see, about 4 jobs. So I was getting a bit blasé (what does it mean??) by the time I had my last interview. I thought, well, I’ve done my homework on the company, I know what they’ll ask me and what I’ll ask them. What I hadn’t accounted for (how would you rephrase it?) though was I had to park my car on a meter and can you believe it, I didn’t have any change. It took quite a while to find a cafè where I could get the right coins. I ended up flying through (??) the door about five minutes late in a right state (??). All I can say is don’t do that. It’s really hard to regain your self-composure (rephrase?)

Is there an idiomatic expression summarizing the unpleasant situation?

Speaker 4 has had lots of interviews lately -- blasé means an interview has become too automatic, without interest, without "spark"!!

What I hadn't thought of (accounted for)

he hadn't planned on parking and having to put money in a meter for the parking space

flying through = running fast

state = all upset and disheveled

composure = calm or tranquil state of mind

He was over-confident, hadn't counted on having to pay for parking, was late for the interview, and was all flustered! He did NOT present a good, professional appearance!

5) Speaker 4 is speaking informally. "I’ve had quite a few interviews for, let’s see, about 4 jobs. So I was getting a bit blasé (meaning: indifferent or uninterested) by the time I had my last interview. I thought, well, I’ve done my research on the company, I know what they'll ask me and what I'll ask them. However, what I hadn’t anticipated (how would you rephrase it?) was that I had to park my car in a metered area and, surprisingly, I didn't have any change. It took quite a while to find a café where I could obtain the right coins. In the end, I hurriedly rushed through (meaning: entered quickly) the door about five minutes late feeling very stressed out (meaning: in a state of anxiety). All I can say is, avoid doing that. It's really difficult to regain your composure (rephrase?).

As for an idiomatic expression summarizing this unpleasant situation, there isn't any specific expression mentioned in this context. However, you could say it was a series of unfortunate events or a comedy of errors, highlighting the various mishaps that occurred during the interview process.