way of life of David Diop, in writing the literary piece Africa.

To understand the way of life of David Diop and his literary piece "Africa," we need to delve into the historical and cultural background of the author and examine his writing style and influences.

David Diop was a prominent Senegalese poet and writer who lived from 1927 to 1960. He was born in Bordeaux, France, to a Senegalese father and Cameroonian mother. Diop was deeply influenced by his African roots and the struggle for independence that was taking place across the continent during his lifetime.

Diop's poem "Africa" is a powerful expression of African identity, liberation, and Pan-Africanism. In this poem, he explores themes of pride, resilience, and the quest for freedom from colonial oppression.

Now let's discuss how to analyze the way of life of David Diop and understand his writing in the context of "Africa:"

1. Research Biographical Information: Start by researching the life of David Diop. Explore his background, upbringing, and the socio-political environment in which he lived. Look for any historical events or personal experiences that may have shaped his worldview and writing style.

2. Read "Africa" and Other Works: Read Diop's poem "Africa" and other literary works written by him, such as "Birago Diop" and "If I Could Tell My Country." Pay attention to the themes, imagery, language, and style he uses. Look for elements that reflect his identity as an African and his views on liberation and independence.

3. Study African History and Colonialism: To fully grasp Diop's way of life and his motivations for writing "Africa," it is essential to have a comprehensive understanding of African history, particularly the era of colonization and the struggle for independence. Study events like the Berlin Conference, the Pan-African Congresses, and leaders like Kwame Nkrumah and Patrice Lumumba. This background knowledge will provide a framework for interpreting the themes of resistance and liberation in Diop's writing.

4. Analyze Cultural Influences: Consider the cultural influences that shaped Diop's way of life and writing. Investigate African mythology, folklore, and oral traditions to identify any cultural elements that he draws upon in his work. Understanding his cultural heritage will enhance your interpretation of his writing style and thematic choices.

5. Explore Pan-Africanism and Negritude Movement: Research the intellectual and literary movements that were influential during Diop's time, such as Negritude and Pan-Africanism. These movements celebrated African culture, identity, and unity. Familiarize yourself with key figures like Aimé Césaire and Leopold Sedar Senghor, as Diop was associated with these movements. Understanding these contexts will deepen your understanding of Diop's writing and his contribution to African literature.

By following these steps, you can gain a deeper insight into the way of life of David Diop and his literary piece "Africa." Remember to approach his work with an open mind, considering both its historical context and the personal experiences that shaped his identity as an African writer.