Identify the sentence that uses apostrophes correctly.

a) Suzannes car needs’ a new muffler.
b) Suzanne's car needs a new muffler.
c) Suzanne’ car needs a new muffler.
d) Suzannes’ car needs a new muffler.

Which do YOU THINK is the correct one?

Remember that apostrophes are used correctly in English to show possession (singular or plural) and to indicate missing letters in a contraction.

B, I meant.

Yes, B is correct.

Identify the sentence with the correct punctuation.

a) Finally, they were on the road again—they wouldn't stop until Albuquerque.
b) Finally, they were on the road—(again). This time they wouldn't stop until Albuquerque.
c) Finally, they were on the road again—they wouldn’t stop until: Albuquerque.
d) Finally, they were on the road again; they wouldn’t stop until: Albuquerque.

The correct sentence that uses apostrophes correctly is option (b) Suzanne's car needs a new muffler.

Explanation: Apostrophes are used to indicate possession or contraction. In this case, we are indicating possession - the car that belongs to Suzanne. To show possession of a singular noun, we add an apostrophe followed by an 's'. Therefore, the correct sentence is "Suzanne's car needs a new muffler." The rest of the options (a), (c), and (d) do not use the apostrophe correctly and should be avoided.